An un-busy (not lazy) life

“The opposite of a busy life isn’t a lazy life, it’s a full life. Don’t apologize for daydreaming, stargazing, or any activity that speaks to your soul. Take a long walk, a short nap, or sit quietly. Others may not respect the value of slowing down, but you know what’s best for you.”  -Courtney Carver of … [Read more…]

February task: Curbing busy-ness

Even though this is a terrible attitude to start with: I think this module is gonna be tough. The Simplicity-themed goal of the the month of February is to be less busy. Say “no” to more requests. Allow yourself some guilt-free time to just sit and be. I think on some level we all want … [Read more…]

Breaking the Twitch/1 week Facebook-free challenge

I have decided to take a short break from Facebook, for mental health reasons (see previous post). I really do like seeing baby pictures and stupid pet videos and random articles that I would otherwise never come across. (I especially love keeping in contact with friends in far-flung places.) But I’m not sure the good is outweighing the bad … [Read more…]

How to disengage while staying engaged?

So it is November 20th, 2016. I feel slightly less hungover and shellshocked than I did on the morning of November 9th (when I spent most of the day hugging my toddler and tearfully apologizing to him over and over again for terrible, horrible, no-good decisions of the American electorate), but I am not quite approaching Acceptance … [Read more…]

Just keep swimmin’….

So yesterday I did something I never thought I would do: swam a mile in lake Michigan. And in pretty breezy and choppy conditions, at that. As I made my way out to the 1/2 mile marker, I remembered the day just a few months ago when I got a tutorial on how to put … [Read more…]

Hello, internets.

WordPress tells me this is my first blog post. But oh! It does not remember my critically-acclaimed (thanks, dad!) but infrequently read (and updated) blogspot blog from 2005. Whose theme was…whatever was on my mind that day (or month, or season, as it were). So, why the second foray into blogging, you may wonder? Well, … [Read more…]