No-buy November

So we (husband, self) have decided to join others out on the interwebs in a challenge to not buy anything for the month of November. Obviously groceries will get bought, and some other consumable items (I’m not forgoing washing our clothes if I run out of laundry detergent mid-month, for example), but we are making … [Read more…]

Digital Detox

I have a confession to make: I think I am addicted to my smartphone and the internet. I don’t want to be. But I am. Over the past few months, I have managed to make some good changes to help get over my addiction, but it’s still there, and no matter how well I cut … [Read more…]

On simple toys

So today I took Will out to brunch. I did have three trains in my purse in case he got bored, because we’d just come from a doctor’s appointment and I wasn’t sure how long it would take, but I never took them out. He just played with whatever was around him on the table. … [Read more…]